Centrum Turkey
Centrum provides services for international and domestic companies within the fields of tax, independent auditing, corporate financing, internal auditing, corporate risk, labor and social security regulations.
Centrum Auditing has a staff consisting of experts who served as a tax inspector and top level tax officials for more than 15 years in Turkish Ministry of Finance and private companies including a leading Turkish conglomerate with over 50 billion dollars of gross turnover and over 190 companies.
Burçin Gözlüklü is the founder of Centrum Sworn-In Financial Advisory and Consulting Inc. and he serves as the managing partner. He also serves as the chairman of ETL Turkey Office, which is a part of Germany based ETL Group, one of the top Tax and Audit companies in worldwide. Centrum has been listed as Best Tax Firm in Turkey for 2018 by International Tax Review, a leading International Publisher in tax world.Before establishing the Centrum Group, Burçin has worked as a tax inspector within the Turkish Ministry of Finance Tax Inspectors Board for 10 years.
Beginning from the mid-2008, he was appointed as the Secretary General of the Turkish Accounting Standards Board (now named as Public Oversight Board), and took the leadership role of adopting the international accounting standards (IFRS/IAS) into Turkish legislation for 3 years. During this period, he participated as a member in the Asian – Oceanian Standard Setters Group (AOSSG) and as an observer member in the World Standard Setters (WSS) Group.
During his duty as Secretary General, he actively participated in the preparation of the New Turkish Commercial Code (TCC) as well as he represented our country regarding accounting and audit legislations of new TCC during the negotiation process of EU Acquis’ Company Law Chapter with EU Commission.
The European Union acquis represented our country in terms of accounting and auditing regulations of the new TCC during the negotiation of the Company Law chapter with the EU Commission.
After he left public sector in 2010, he became the Group Audit Coordinator of Koç Holding Inc., which is the biggest conglomerate and the only Top 250 Fortune’s Global Listing company in Turkey. For three years before establishing Centrum, Burçin served as the Tax Management Coordinator of Koç companies responsible from the tax advisory and management of the group firms.
Burçin Gözlüklü has received his BA degree in Business Administration from the Middle East Technical University, Faculty of Economic and Administrative Sciences. He has a Ph.D. degree in finance and accounting from Başkent University.
Between the 2011 and 2014 years, he served as the member of Turkish Industry and Business Association (TÜSİAD) intellectual rights sub-study group. Between 2011 and 2013 years, he represented TÜSİAD in the Commissions of Public Oversight, Accounting and Auditing Standards Authority.
He has been the executive board member of the International Financial Management Association of Turkey since 2013.
In 2020, he was elected as the executive board member of the Istanbul Economy Summit and as the independent member of the board of director of a listed company, Yeni Gimat GYO A.Ş.
He holds Sworn-in CPA and independent auditor degrees and he is fluent in English.